Monday, February 1, 2016


Sometimes, seemingly unrelated stories I’m working on seem to come together in interesting ways.
That happened recently, when I was working on today’s SunLife story about teaching manners to kids, and also a feature on the benefits of family togetherness for our February Healthy U Magazine.
I ran across a website called the Dinner Project that made me wish I’d tried even harder than I did (which was a lot) to have more family dinners with every generation in my life.
Like Ann Palormo of Las Cruces, who discussed the impact of technology on family dinner times, I remembered a time, as a tot in the 1950s, when we moved out of the dining room. It happened pretty quickly, it seems now, as soon as we got our first television.
Dad grumbled a lot, but before long, the chore list of my sister and brother and me went from setting the table to setting up the TV trays, and like most families of the era, we gathered around every night to watch the Mickey Mouse Club and the nightly news and then fight over which shows we’d watch on the three or four channels available at the time.
In what I now think of as a masterpiece of diplomacy, my parents decided each of us, including mom and dad, would get a week when we could decide which programs to watch. Every five weeks, my word was law, and I don’t ever remember my parents overruling our choices.
We talked between programs and during commercials, so conversation continued, but I don’t think it was as profound or interesting as it was during dinner at my grandparents’ homes, where TV was banned, or during our frequent camping trips, where the campfires and bright stars seem to encourage the sharing of deep thoughts.
“I think loss of conversation is a tragedy that will catch up with us at some point,” Ann concluded.
I thought about that a week later, during a discussion on etiquette and manners with Irene Oliver-Lewis.
“It’s ironic that what we call social media isn’t social at all, if you’re on the phone all the time and ignoring the people you’re with. We need a little of that real socialization to keep us together as a community,” Irene said.
We discussed the challenges of trying to communicate with kids when you’re competing with their smart phones, and thus, the whole world. Kids now have at their fingertips access to a lot more than a single TV with a few channels, though they can probably find and stream almost every TV show I’ve ever watched and much more: songs, movies, the infinite wealth and trash of the internet, plus all their actual friends and favorite celebrities in infinite forms: Facebook, Snapchat, texting, Tweeting, Instagramming and several other forms they’ve probably discovered and mastered in the time it’s taken me to write this column.
Inevitably, while discussing manners and etiquette with my friends, there were wistful longings for more civility in everyday life and, particularly In this strange election year, in politics.
Any student of history knows that politics has always been a dirty game, but however views differed, and tempers heated, public discourse seemed much more courteous and thoughtful when I was a child. I don’t recall Dwight Eisenhower and Adlai Stephenson or even John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon behaving in ungentlemanly ways during debates and discussions.
But then again, when private papers and now legendary tapes surfaced, we have perhaps learned that things weren't really so different. We just didn’t get the inflammatory sound bites, texts and tweets so instantaneously.
Or maybe we are suffering the inevitable consequence,of three or four generations having been entertained and diverted by increasing seductive technology, when they should have been learning manners, brushing up on their etiquette and practicing the art of polite conversation.
I hope it’s not too late, and I’m planning to have more leisurely dinners with family and friends this year, at the dining room table. No phones, please.

S. Derrickson Moore may be reached at, @derricksonmoore on Twitter and Tout, or call 575-541-5450. (Or better yet, let’s have dinner and really talk.)

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