Monday, February 1, 2016


LAS CRUCES  -  Some say February For the Love of Art Month will be better than ever this year.
After a couple of years of reporting on dying and dramatically altered fiestas, I’m happy to see that FLAM is still going strong.
So are its founders, Kelley Hestir and Myriam Lozada-Jarvis.
It was fun reminiscing with them about the event’s beginnings, long ago at a lunch meeting at Myriam’s art-filled Mesilla Park home. Others have carried the torch since then, but both Myriam and Kelley have expressed an interest in planning some wild and crazy antics for the event’s 20th anniversary in 2018. (At least we think that’s when it happens; since the first FLAM celebrations were freestyle, there is some controversy about when it officially began. )
Many dedicated and professional volunteers have devoted a lot of time, heart and soul over the past two decades to make FLAM an ongoing enterprise, involving thousands or artists and arts aficionados and an amazing number of visual artworks, poems, plays, literary readings, exhibit venues and art happenings.
Among my favorites, over the years, were what would now be called a pop-up gallery, late at night in a deserted Lohman Avenue building; a benefit event involving the creation of exotic shoes, painted by local artists; and a multimedia bash at what was then the Hilton, featuring unique floral arrangements, and culinary art by local chefs, served up on tableware made by regional artists. The artistic banquet tables also featured a cancan line of spirited dancers. There was a talent night with poems and standup comedy at El Patio and one of my all-time faves: a whimsical art car parade.
Kelley remembered that Miguel Silva was there to lead and cheer us on, as he did so many art events, wearing some of his remarkable hats or his impressive drum major uniform. We’ll think of you during FLAM, Miguel, and cheer for peace and adventure for your artistic alma y corazon.
And let’s all cheer for FLAM itself, an example of what artistic souls can do with heart and spirit to showcase a community which has extraordinary talent that finds creative ways to transcend limited monetary resources. To paraphrase a credo from the artistic hippie era: Art can get you through times of no money better than money can get you through times of no art.
“Back then, it was daunting to imagine that it would be so successful,” said Kelley, who said that FLAM has exceeded its founders’ wildest expectations.
Which is not to say there isn’t room for expanded artistic dreams. They knew Las Cruces has the right artistic stuff, and that confidence has helped create so much more than a month of artsy fun in a community that now boasts a monthly gallery ramble, state-of-the-art venues like the ASNMSU Center for the Arts and the refurbished Rio Grande Theatre, an ever-growing performance art and literary community, and a burgeoning roster of other arts resources and opportunities.
At the first FLAM celebrations, Kelley said, she loved seeing art in new places, like beauty salons and restaurants and offices, something that seems more common these days.
“I’d like to see a lot more of that, more involvement with the university and regional schools and a lot of businesses and organizations participating,” Kelley said.
David Jacquez, one of the heroes who has helped keep FLAM alive and get it into right-sized, sustainable shape, stressed that though ArtForms is the official founder and sponsor, FLAM is for all of us.  
It’s a month to use your artistic license to thrill, entertain and beautify yourself and your surroundings. It’s not too late to organize an art exhibit or happening at your home, club or office. Sing and dance at the gym. Start an impromptu flash mob with your friends and family at your favorite restaurant or supermarket checkout line.
And don’t forget FLAM WAPP (For the Love of Art Month Wearable Art Parade and Promenade) next Saturday Feb. 6. Search your closets for your most artistic hat, jewelry or other wearable art garb (or better yet, make or buy something new and wonderful). Then, strut your stuff at the Saturday morning Las Cruces Farmers’ and Crafts Market on Main Street Downtown and amble artistically over to celebrate For the Love of Art Day that afternoon on the Mesilla Plaza.
And don’t feel you have to confine your artistic expression to a one Saturday or even a single month.
Use Feb. 29 as a Leap Day kickoff for a whole year of artistic fun in one of the most creative cities and states on the planet. Share your talent and your appreciation for our artistic bounty. Happy FLAM 2016!

S. Derrickson Moore may be reached at, @derricksonmoore on Twitter and Tout, or call 575-541-5450.

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