Monday, February 1, 2016

Busman's Holiday Nov. 8, 2015 repost

LAS CRUCES - "Your job  would be a lot of fun if you didn't have to write about it all, afterward," my sister once noted after accompanying me on some of my rounds during a visit at the height of Full-Tilt Fiesta Season.
That particular visit was in the fall, several years ago, and included a trip to Día de los Muertos celebrations in Mesilla, where we built an altar to commemorate our creative and wonderful mom, as well as trips to Ruidoso, Cloudcroft, Columbus and Palomas, Mexico.
We were officially on vacation, but my sister, also a journalist, and I  both planned to do some freelance travel features.
It became a running joke: "That dinner would have been  delicious, if only  the souflee hadn't fallen and the soup hadn't gotten cold and the ice cream hadn't melted while we were making notes about it all."
Or the condensed version that became our vacation mantra: "It's more fun to eat lunch than to write about it."
As  it has become more challenging to satisfy the multimedia, diverse platform demands of my job, my traveling companions have become more exasperated.
Dr. Roger, who hates to be photographed, has been a surprisingly good sport over the years about lending his back for human perspective shots at locations ranging from City of the Rocks to rocket museums.
But I suspect I've tried his patience as I lingered to get just the right light on aspens for a still photo,  videos of  folklorico dancers, or an Instagram of another allegedly best New Mexico green chile cheeseburger. 
Even spontaneous, serendipitous moments of vacation fun and surprise can be compromised when you try to mix journalistic business with pleasure. When I discovered I hadn't captured a crucial angle when a greedy goat jumped a fence and snatched a snack out of his hand, my companion noted my disappointment and  graciously volunteered to attempt a reenactment, but we both knew the time had passed.
Sometimes, I admit, I'd like to vacation anonymously in a world that sometimes seems desperate to publicize their causes, events, and/or themselves. It can be tough, after covering arts, entertainment and culture in the same territory for two decades, to attend any prime time attractions without being besieged with story requests, fliers, business cards, and sometimes even books and CDs.
I try to explain I'm on vacation, but it doesn't really work in one's hometown, where I have been beseeched in my health club's swimming pool, locker room  and even into the shower, places where I am clearly unequipped  - and disinclined - to take notes.
Though New Mexico is the fifth biggest state in our nation, I've found that the small world maxim applies and  there is no refuge for someone who has worked for New Mexico Magazine and daily newspapers in Albuquerque, Santa Fe and Las Cruces.
Last year, I spent part of a vacation with a friend who is a much better photographer than I am and realized what I have made my loved ones endure. While I took a few quick candids that will probably never be seen by anyone but me,  she spent hours setting up shots and carting around her weight in camera equipment. I finally left her to it, and went off to relax and enjoy the event on my own.
And, give or take a quick cell phone video or two, that's what I did on my recent staycation. I went to some new events I'd already advanced and showed up without a pen, notebook or camera to enjoy some  fun attractions I've covered for decades, but never attended as a civilian, especially wearing very dark sunglasses and a very big hat. And no media credentials on a chain around my neck.
But I also realized how grateful I am to have a job I enjoy in a place I love so much that I want to spend my vacation on my own leisurely version of a  kind of A & E busman's holiday.

I had some great times. And except for this column, I didn't write a word about them afterward.
S. Derrickson Moore may be reached at, @derricksonmoore on Twitter and Tout, or call 575-541-5450.

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