Thursday, December 17, 2015

Three generations of adventures with "Star Wars"

By S. Derrickson Moore
LAS CRUCES  - A “Star Wars” light saber is still hidden somewhere in my Las Cruces garage, archaeological proof that the iconic saga has captured the imaginations and swashbuckling spirit of three generations of my family.
My son Ryan and I watched the first “Star Wars” movie during its premiere weekend in 1977. In the new millennium (the real timefame, not to be confused with Han Solo’s vehicle, Millennium Falcon),  I watched several more Star Wars adventures with his son and my grandson, Alexander the Great.
It was clear that the Force would remain strong in our family, in the young one, the almost middle age one and even within the senior contingent and her friends. (I still have a Yoda T shirt which, for some reason, I always feel moved to wear on the Fourth of July.)
And the Force grew in young Alex, stronger even that the lure of what his grandmother considered the dark force obsession with assorted video games. So strong that the realtime swashbuckling light saber shenanigans got out of hand and I felt peace in the galaxy would be better served by hiding the saber away.
During a visit this summer, Alex, now 19, revealed that he’s always known exactly where the beloved toy was “hidden.” I suspect it was retrieved for many a duel with his friends and cousins over the years.
I don’t really mind. Give or take a Jar Jar Blinks or two, I’ve always believed that there are still-under-appreciated profundities and timeless and surprisingly timely relevance in the unfolding saga, though I have become somewhat confused by all the sequels, prequels, bonus novels and Ewok TV movies over the years.
The epic “Star Wars” battles between good and evil, and the fumbling coming-of-age struggles, mistakes and revelations in learning to navigate the internal and external struggles between the two, have become the stuff of modern archetypes.
I’ve found my own quest for enlightenment filled with Jedi Knight training references and metaphors, with respected spiritual mentors quoting Yoda and Obi-Wan Kenobi.
During some of the most difficult and dangerous missions of my life, including investigative reporting on a homicidal cult, I found myself invoking famous lines from Obi-Wan as I found and transported some crucial information and informants: “These are not the droids you’re looking for.”
And I’ve taken note of, and sometimes marveled at, the synchronistic bonds, common references and even personal connections surrounding “Star Wars” in my own life.
A former Mesilla resident who became one of my best friends went to school with George Lucas. She talked about his interest in cars and the influence of the cruising Californian car culture on his first film, “American Graffiti.”
I heard from a couple of sources, though I’ve can’t seem to find online confirmation, that the concept for ‘Star Wars” came to Lucas in a dream.
I first met Lawrence Kasdan when he was the University of Michigan roommate of a college boyfriend. He was very smart, wryly funny, good-looking, and like all the roomies, entertainingly sarcastic and enthusiastically anti-establishment. He would go on to write some of my fave movies (“The Big Chill,” “Grand Canyon,” “Body Heat,” “Accidental Tourist,” “The Bodyguard”), along with screenplays for “Raiders of the Lost Ark” and assorted “Star Wars” projects, including “Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back,” “Episode VI: Return of the Jedi,” and a 1996 video game, “Shadows of the Empire.” And he shares writing credits for “The Force Awakens” with J.J. Abrams, Michael Arndt and Lucas. (There will be more, according to Kasdan has also written, with his son, Jon, a screenplay for an untitled Han Solo “Star Wars” anthology film slated for 2018 release.)
What does it all mean?
I’ve long since moved from Jedi Knight trainee to trainer and combat manual writer. Deep into my Yoda and Obi-Wan years, I’m still not one to leave any synchronistic stone unturned or unexplored. I’ve learned these things take time, patience and reflection. And consultations with my son and grandson. I’ll keep you posted.
In the meantime, as always, may the Force be with you.

S. Derrickson Moore may be reached at, @derricksonmoore on Twitter and Tout, or call 575-541-5450.

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