Monday, December 14, 2015


LAS CRUCES – This is the joyous time of year when I look around my adobe abode and two words come to mind.
Downsize. Simplify.
By early November, I’ve usually finished all my shopping, established a theme for the wrappings and holiday décor and my guest bedrooms and home office daybed are heaped with gifts.
Every year, I pledge, “Never again.”
And every year, I do it again, anyway.
Progress has been made. Years ago, my brother and sister and I, all in far-flung corners of the country, decided to quit procuring, wrapping and shipping huge boxes of presents to one another and our now-grown children.
That helped a lot.
We hedged a little on birthdays. We pledged to send each other nothing but cards, but my sister and I bend the rules. When we find something that makes us think of each other, or our artistic mom’s whimsical tastes, or something we know our sibling would love, we have a serendipitous, spontaneous practice of sending it along.
We’ve delighted one another, on a variety of non-holidays and un-birthdays, with whisper-soft sheets, bouquets of Mexican paper flowers and colorful oilcloth tablecloths.
We’re psychic sibs and we know what we like. Exactly. The last Christmas we exchanged gifts, we were only slightly amazed to discover we had presented each other with identical pairs of fuchsia bath towels and woven Guatemalan tote bags. And we’d managed this little milagro, though she had shopped exclusively in South Florida and I’d found my twin finds in Las Cruces.
It really is more blessed (and often more fun) to give than receive, so it’s no hardship to share sisterly treats when the spirit moves us, especially when there are no deadlines involved. (Something we also appreciate, since we’re both longtime journalists.)
This year, we came up with another no-hassle gift strategy. We brainstormed and agreed on three new books we both wanted to read, and decided we’d purchase them ourselves and consider them gifts from each other. When things simmer down a little, we’ll have our own little holiday book club, with a leisurely, in-depth discussion.
I’ve already purchased by books from Sally, in the hardcover form I prefer after a hard day at the old PC. And Sally has downloaded her Kindle versions. We have decided to indulge in our favorites and not wait for paperbacks or library reserves (although that would work, too, for those on a tight budget). But after all, since they’re gifts, we feel free to spare no expense and “give” each other the editions of our choice.
I’ve also become more flexible with timelines with friends. I’ve been collecting exotic art supplies all year for amigas who are starting their own artistic little business. When I found out they were preparing for shows in early December, it seemed silly to wait until Christmas.
I packed everything up, took them to lunch, and gave them their art supplies in late October.
There were no complaints. And I cleared out another space in my burgeoning gift closet annex.
I do make some exceptions to my gift downsizing policy. It seems to be the packing and shipping that gets most of us down, so I confine most gift exchanges to close friends who live within easy schlepping distance, and we usually exchange little tokens at parties, lunches, dinners or other low-stress occasions.
And I still do the shipping for my son, grandson, daughter-in-law and a few far off soulmates, especially if we aren’t able to get together that year or if I know they are likely to be alone for all or part of the holidays.
Checks always cheer people up, but I find it can be most important to send actual, thoughtful gifts to those who profess to want them the least, especially those good souls I know are prone to seasonal blues.
I put a lot of thought into such gifts, which are often humorous and inspirational and are specifically tailored to the recipient’s tastes. And endorphin-revving, spirit-lifting chile peppers are often involved.
Sometimes, the real meaning of the season can be involved in gift-giving, too. The Wise Men were onto something.
S. Derrickson Moore may be reached at,  @derricksonmoore on Twitter and Tout, or call 575-541-5450.

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