Monday, December 14, 2015


The Doña Ana Arts Council is adding something new to the Renaissance Arts Faire this year, a section called Artistas del Camino Real,  which will feature artists working as they would have during the actual Renaissance in what is now the Southwestern United States and Mexico, using the methods and materials and traditions of  European and indigenous cultures. That means the things that would have been produced here during the period generally agreed to define the Renaissance (the 14th through mid-17th centuries).  Time travelers would have found Spanish religious art such as bultos, crosses, retablos and hide paintings, and pottery and other arts and crafts created by Pueblo Indians and regional tribes.
It's an interesting dose of realism in what is probably more of a fantasy view of the Renaissance for most of us.
Most of the artists who participate are offering contemporary arts which are  chosen for the juried show on the bases of quality, rather than any reference to  olden times.
 But many RenFaire artists, performers and visitors, I know from covering the event for more than two decades, put a lot of thought and sometimes extensive research in to their costumes, displays, vendor booths and performances.
Despite their name, members of the Society for Creative Anachronism (anachronism is defined by as "something that is not in its correct historical or chronological time)  along with Amtgard and the Adrian Empire, all make a lot of effort to bring authenticity into their costumes and life within their RenFaire encampment.
Members of both "royal courts" also take great pains in their costuming and deportment.  And we mean that literally: try spending a couple of hot New Mexico autumn days confined to those corsets and elaborately layered gowns, and I suspect that the royals and their followers could tell us all a lot about suffering for our art. Some of  the artistic derring-do is in the realm of pure fantasy, of course. Artist Bob Diven and the NMSU engineering department didn't have any records of  Renaissance-era dragons to guide their creation of the look and voice of Magellan. But their high- tech approach has delighted kids, who have told me they think the beast looks, sounds and acts just the way a dragon should.
Sometimes, RenHeads can get downright obsessive about it all. I saw that firsthand during a few decades in  Oregon,  still home to some of the world's few remaining Hippie/Flower Child colonies, also enthusiastic supporters and founders of the 20th century Renaissance Festival revivals. 
I still have PTRFSD (Post-Traumatic RenFaire Stress Disorder) flashbacks about a weekend  with Oregon Mensa  that included a fair and  a party at a restaurant specializing in authentic period feasts.  I was content to salute my Scandinavian ancestors with a costume store Viking helmet and  a fake fur tunic and gnaw on a turkey leg, but  more than half of our group seemed determined  to spend the weekend agonizing over wimple construction, authentic cooking techniques and other anachronistic issues.
I appreciate everybody's dedication, and it's always nice to be able to learn a little history and maybe pick up some perspectives on ye olde sometimes-less-than-golden days of yore.
Mostly, I plan to have fun, do some holiday shopping and then happily drive home in my car to my  PC, TV, microwave, TV, hot showers and other luxuries unknown to the world's most powerful Ren-era kings and queens, now, thankfully, available to common folk like me.

S. Derrickson Moore may be reached at, @derricksonmoore on Twitter and Tout, or call 575-541-5450.

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