Thursday, June 23, 2016

Resuming a love affair with books June 19, 2016

LAS CRUCES – There’s nothing quite like a summer beach book, and that holds true even in high desert county. We may not have the lakes and rivers and oceans of my other coastal and peninsula summer haunts. But we have the beaches (or at, least, the vast, contemplative expanses of sand). And the books.
Usually, I stash away lots of books for my vacation. But in recent years, I never seemed to get around to reading them.
It’s part of an escalating syndrome. I, who once read eight to ten books a week, now seem to have trouble finding time and eye power to get through a dozen in six months. Sometimes, sigh, even fewer.
I attribute some of that to obligatory screen time. Laptop and tablet screens. PC screens and cellphone screens. Flat screen TVs. And blue light bevies of assorted other screens that stare at us at home and the office, in doctors’ offices, hospitals, shopping centers, airports and many other serendipitous sites. And we stare right back.
After a long hard day of close encounters of the screen kind, I often find myself too weary to contemplate anything that requires interaction, which leaves me with yet another screen to end my day, viewing prerecorded TV programs, passive-aggressively fast-forwarding through ads and boring parts. (There is, I confess, some satisfaction in this, a kind of sense of atonement for not being able to skip, switch off or fast-forward through the boring and irritating portions of the rest of our lives.)
But that satisfaction has its price, too. Back in the day, I was able to read a couple of books each week during the commercials of an evening of must-see TV. That leisurely rhythm seems lost forever as even mindless TV watching turns into a type A personal best competition. (Could I beat my all-time record and get through five hours of recorded programs in four, three or two hours?)
In a rare week without TV, the pleasures of books came back to me. I spent most of the week savoring, rather than speed-reading “The Last Ranch,” the final book in Michael McGarrity’s wonderful American West trilogy, set primarily in Las Cruces and the Tularosa Basin. It’s also an origin story and prequel for the dozen Kevin Kerney novels, which I also love. Plan a long vacay and read as many of ‘em as you can.
In a nice bit of synchronicity, I was reading about the last ranchers to hold out when the government took over land for secret atom bomb tests, when soulmate Roger proposed a visit to Los Alamos, and we got to see films and exhibits and the actual homes of the scientists who were making the bomb a reality.
After that, I read a little book about Georgia O’Keeffe in the very land she painted and where I was lucky enough to meet and interview her in her last decade of life. Next, I got into “Versions of Us,” by Laura Barnett, a thought-provoking tale of a couple who met and married young in one vignette and led star-crossed and complicated lives in other versions, including one in which they missed connections until their 70s. Another good read.
Then, tempted by a nice little library in our vacay house, I polished off “The Lake House,” my first-ever James Patterson blockbuster. It was a real beach book, about the adventures of beautiful teens with wings, thanks to modern miracles of genetic engineering. Without giving too much away, the book didn’t lay an egg, but the beautiful flying heroine did, and I suspect there’s a sequel out there. Maybe I’ll look for it or wait for the movie version. Or maybe not.
Driving to and from Santa Fe, I listened to most of “A Fine Romance,” read by the autobiography’s author, Candice Bergen. Back home, I dropped off the CDs at the Branigan Library and checked out the book, and read the last chapters the old fashioned way.
In fact, it was a couple of days before I turned on the TV, and I’ve found myself going back to old habits of reading through the commercials and boring parts, instead of fast-forwarding. And drifting off into peaceful, night-long slumber.
I think I may be on to something. Maybe I’ll increase the book time and cut down the screen time (and that includes ebooks and all online text forms) and return to basic paper pages again. I’d almost forgotten how much fun it can be to immerse yourself in a real book.

S. Derrickson Moore may be reached at 575-541-5450, or @derricksonmoore on Twitter.

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