Thursday, June 23, 2016

Appreciating young artists

LAS CRUCES  – Their choices of color, forms, media and subject matter can be primitive, unorthodox, even shocking. And it could be that some of the artists may never have another exhibition unless a fond mom decides to stick something on the family refrigerator door.
But, then again, some of the kids showing their work at exhibits around the Mesilla Valley may become internationally famous artists. And you will have been privileged to see their very first public works.
Or maybe, you’ve already had the foresight to collect and preserve the creations of talented young artists you’ve discovered yourself.
I still have fond memories of a long visit with the late, great R.C. Gorman in his art-filled Taos studio.
Unlike many artists I’ve known, who prefer stark white walls and minimalist surroundings, R.C.’s rambling adobe was filled with color, unique and sometimes downright eccentric furnishings, from crystal chandeliers to risqué fountains, and one of the most impressive art collections I’ve ever seen. He had actually torn down doors and walls or even added new rooms to accommodate large sculptures and paintings he admired.
He’d achieved worldwide renown by then, and his halls featured photographs of a motely group of celebrities, movie stars, first ladies (including Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis) and famed artists, many of whom he’d befriended and collected when they were just starting out.
His collection also included some of his own early childhood drawings, perhaps cherished and saved by an adult relative who recognized greatness in its first stages.
Or maybe, like most of us, they simply liked what they saw, or loved the artist, or both.
I’ve been writing about artists and collecting for many decades and have been exposed to world class wonders. But two of my favorite pieces, art that moves me at each encounter, were created by artists in their Elementary Period, around age 7: a charmingly eccentric crayon guinea pig portrait by son Ryan, and a bemused eagle with attitude by grandson Alex. They capture my beloved lads’ sweetness, joie de vivre, creativity, senses of humor and highly original outlooks on life, and like all great works of art, trigger a complex range of emotions and thoughts when I see them every day.
I thought about that this month when I was scurrying to get around to see the student art shows that spring up this time of year, when we have a chance to see what new generations are up to, thinking about and creating, as manifested in shows that feature many age groups, from kindergartners to New Mexico State University master’s degree candidates.
I checked out the NMSU undergraduate show at Williams Hall and the annual All-City High Schools’ Senior Show, featuring works by graduating seniors from Las Cruces area high schools – Las Cruces, Mayfield, Onate, Centennial, and Alma d’arte at the Las Cruces Museum of Art.
They’ve closed, but you can still catch “Subjects to Change: 2016 MFA Thesis Exhibition,” continuing through May 14 at the University Art Gallery in New Mexico State University’s Williams Hall.
And there’s always a chance to catch rotating exhibits at the Doña Ana County Government Center at 845 N. Motel Blvd. in Las Cruces. Whenever I’m there on official business, or just in the neighborhood, I always try to make time to stroll the center’s first floor corridors and see art by elementary, middle and high school kids from public schools in Las Cruces and Gadsden.
Visit, and keep your eyes out for emerging talent. Search through your own collections at home and think about collecting or commissioning a piece by a young artist you admire. Today, tomorrow and maybe decades or even generations from now, you’ll be glad you did.
S. Derrickson Moore may be reached at 575-541-5450, or @derricksonmoore on Twitter.

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