Tuesday, April 5, 2016

A time for new starts

Marcjh 27, 2016
LAS CRUCES  -  January may not be the best time for new starts. If you’ve flubbed a resolution or two, were not as successful at giving up things for Lent as you’d hoped or are ready for some new chances, how about rebooting your self-improvement efforts right about now?
Spring is the right season to make changes, grow and learn.
We’ve all had a chance to adjust to the time change, the weather is very nice most of the time and we have today to celebrate Easter and its messages of miracles, resurrection and rebirth.
After a sluggish, eccentric winter, a killer early allergy season and political campaigns that get stranger and stranger, I feel ready to attempt to brighten the corner where I am and start improvements with the person on whom I know I have the most influence: myself.
I’m not talking Mary Poppins (“practically perfect in every way”) standards, but I think there are a number of reasonable goals within my grasp and I am old enough to know there is wisdom, rather than shame, in admitting what I don’t know and seeking assistance. There’s a lot of good information out there, and more ways than in any time in recorded history to reach out to institutions, websites and good people ready and willing to share knowledge.
I was looking around my little semi-adobe abode and remembering that gardening pro Jackye Meinecke once told me not to start my outdoor planting until Easter. I decided I knew better one year, when we had a long stretch of warm weather, and ended up with lots of dead, carefully cultivated seedlings. This month, I’m looking around and wondering if it’s time to give it another go.
Some of my neighbors and best friends have grown spectacular gardens in Las Cruces, so I have proof that it can be done. Because I’ve written about them, I also know there are many sources that can offer help, from Doña Ana County Extension and Master Gardeners program to Mesilla Valley Cooperative Market, which offers classes and tips for beginners.
This spring, I’ve decided I will venture beyond my usual, tried-and-true geraniums and lobelia in the same old flower pots. I’ve already got some new pots, some roll-out, pre-seeded flower carpets I’ve been wanting to try, and I may even plant some herbs and veggies and consider the wild frontiers beyond container gardening.
I’m going to finally read the instruction manual on my no-longer-so-new camera, and actually check out the instructional website our nice IT guy Jose Ortiz recommended after he graciously set up my new iPhone.
If I don’t understand something, I am going to ask more questions. You are only a stupid old luddite when you decline opportunities to learn more, I’ve decided.
I’m going to tackle new forms of art and investigate yet more tweaks in my diet and exercise plan.
And I’m going to think about the advice of elders who have been telling me for decades that there are many things you can actually get better at, the older you get. Their examples include things like golf, ceramic arts, and many forms of music. My experience has shown there are many “sure things” to add to this list, like compassion, hope, charity, love, humor and patience.
And in recognition of the extraordinary soul whose life, words and deeds we honor today, it’s always a good time to grow and cultivate one’s soul, one’s love and understanding and find new ways to help and heal ourselves and our fellow humans.
May we all enjoy an inspirational and joyous Easter and a spring in which to ponder ways to cultivate and grow our gardens, our lives and our souls.
S. Derrickson Moore may be reached at  575-5450, dmoore@lcsun-news.com or @derricksonmoore on Twitter.

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