Friday, July 10, 2015

UFOS, Chiles and multi-cultural fun on New Mexico Fourth of July

June 28
There’s no place like New Mexico to celebrate the Fourth of July.
Some may find that view a bit ironic, since a large contingent of America’s population still fails to recognize that we are one of the 50 United States, with a history of freedom fighters and freedom-loving tribes that predates the east coast revolutionary bunch by a few centuries.
But apparently our love of freedom and our welcoming and inclusive attitude toward new cultures is no secret in the universe.
I like to think those now-legendary, if still controversial, ETs had decided the Land of Enchantment was the best place to study Earth’s diverse cultures and quaint fiestas when they headed toward  Roswell back in July of 1947. Whatever your views on the fabled incident (and for decades, I’ve been hearing second-and-third-hand testimonials from allegedly reliable sources that it definitely was NOT a weather balloon that crashed there), I can personally attest that the annual Roswell UFO Fest should be on every discerning Earthling’s bucket list. My fave attractions are the UFO Mart merchandise and the pet and human alien costume contests.
And I personally think Southern New Mexico has the corner on the America’s best Independence Day fiestas, many within a fairly close distance. With some creative planning and a few day trips, you could conceivably enjoy an imaginative assortment of fireworks displays and exotic and downhome fiesta experiences with the confines of a holiday weekend.
Where else could you enjoy the rockets’ red glare exploding above a fleet of historic rockets? Consider spending the Fourth at the Alamogordo Annual Fireworks Extravaganza at the New Mexico Museum of Space History.
If you enjoy watching fireworks reflections over large bodies of water in high desert country, you have a couple of good choices.
Check out one of the first fireworks displays this year, the annual Star Spangled Fireworks Celebration Thursday at Inn of the Mountain Gods Resort and Casino near Ruidoso. Or head for Elephant Butte Lake State Park on Saturday (or July 5th if they’re rained out, which never seems to happen) and watch them launch fireworks from Rattlesnake Island. Why not enjoy both waterside fireworks fiestas?
Personally, I’ve long wanted to try the suggestion of Olin Calk, creator of our giant roadrunner, and head up its new perch off I-10 overlooking the city and get a big bird’s eye view of official and renegade firework displays all around the Mesilla Valley.
Other musts on my Independence Day “To Do Someday Soon” list include visits to regional celebrations that bill themselves as “old-fashioned,” like cool Cloudcroft’s downhome parade and melodrama performances, and the border-hopping parade in the Leap Year Capital of the World, which marches over the border from Anthony, N.M., to Anthony Texas.
You get a free hotdog if you’re one of the first to show up dressed in red, white and blue at Deming’s old-fangled fiesta.
And first on my “old-fashioned” wish list this year is Silver City’s celebration, which starts out with a Kiwanis Cowboy Breakfast. This year it’ll be pancakes, which can be quite exciting, “depending on what you do with the syrup,” I was informed by Scott Terry, president and CEO of the Silver City-Grant County Chamber of Commerce. The fun also includes fireworks, of course, a festival in Gough Park, and games and an ice cream social at the Silver City Museum.
But the highlight for many, I suspect, will be Silver’s old-fashioned parade, known for its horses. And I just got a media release informing us that this year, the parade will include bicyclists distributing free organic fruit to the crowds.
Only in Silver City. And only in New Mexico.
I’ll say a prayer for all those who crave peace and freedom, for whom bombs bursting in air too often can be an everyday ordeal or threat, instead of a patriotic anthem. In our own country, I’ll continue to hope and pray that any and all of us have the freedom to gather in a church, a school, a theater or a park, in any American community, without the threat of hate crimes and violent armed attacks.
And while we’re celebrating, may we have the wisdom and grace to remember that until we all have basic human freedoms, none of us is truly free.
S. Derrickson Moore may be reached at dmoore@lcsun-com, @derricksonmoore on Twitter and Tout, or call 575-541-5450.

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