Tuesday, April 14, 2015


April 5
It was my 2015 New Year’s resolution to ride the artistic range once again and visit some of my favorite haunts and CCCs (Certified Colorful Characters).
For more than a decade, it was my routine to visit southern New Mexican towns, particularly where we have sister newspapers, at least once a year, and also check out the art scenes in Santa Fe, Taos, Albuquerque and Truth or Consequences.
In recent years, that hasn’t happened as often as I’d like, due to a shrinking staff, escalating workloads and migratory friends and relatives. My Albuquerque BFFs moved to Utah. Grandson Alex the Great, now based in Idaho, was more interested in visiting Las Cruces amigos than going on statewide tours.
Mostly because soulmate Dr. Roger still loves the City Different, I usually get to Santa Fe once a year, and sometimes Taos while we’re in the neighborhood and T or C on the way home.
But somehow, it’s been a few years since I’ve made it to Carlsbad, Roswell, Ruidoso, Silver City, Alamogordo, Hillsboro, or even Deming, and my favorite border towns of Columbus and Palomas.
It’s a shame, since most on the list are within easy day-trip distance. In March, I proved that proximity again — to myself and our new photographer Jett Loe — as we made a run to the border that took us to the Deming Art Center and the Luna Mimbres Museum in Deming, and then south for a trip to Columbus and Palomas.
We missed a few of my favorite attractions. The City of the Sun, a fun, funky and inspiring ecological little borderland community is no longer scheduling visits, according to a resident artist, Maya, who nonetheless sent a friendly message: “But it’s good to hear your voice again after 20 years.”
I can’t believe it’s been quite that long, Maya, but I’ve thought of you and your imaginative adobe home often and wondered how those bricks you were baking in the sun during my last visit have been incorporated in your abode.
I couldn’t seem to make a connection through the only phone number I have for Gina Beadle, the last of the Southwest Surrealists. I thought I just might rudely show up at her door unannounced, but I found her wonderful hacienda surrounded with locked fences and we didn’t have time to track her down through the village grapevines. I hope I’ll find a way to get in touch and discover what artistic antics Gina’s up to these days. In the meantime, we can still admire the colorful walls and signs she’s created in Columbus.
I’d been raving so enthusiastically about some of our borderland wonders that I figured cosmopolitan world traveler Jett was experiencing some reasonable skepticism.
He was a believer long before we reached the second floor of the Deming Luna Mimbres Museum.
“Is this place famous?” he asked our tour guide, Virginia Pool. “Because it should be. This place is amazing.”
Like many of my favorite spots in the Land of Enchantment, the museum must be seen to be fully appreciated.
La Tienda Rosa, aka The Pink Store, in the tranquil-again little town of Palomas, is another place that is best experienced in person.
All the things I remembered fondly were still there — especially Ivonne Romero, who runs the Pink Store with her husband, Sergio. She gave us a tour of a brighter, more vibrant — and considerably more paved — Palomas than I remembered. The tour included a visit to a beautiful new library and the lowdown on everything from custom bootmakers to new pharmacies and supermarkets.
I’ll be writing about some fun day trips in the region, and I plan to return soon myself. If you’ve been hesitating, I hope I can entice you to get out your passport and make a border run of your own soon.
S. Derrickson Moore may be reached at dmoore@lcsun-news.com,@DerricksonMoore on Twitter and Tout, or 575-541-5450.

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