Thursday, September 23, 2010

We want to save our tree!

By S. Derrickson Moore
LAS CRUCES — We aren’t ready to say die when it comes to our favorite tree, that venerable old Chinese pistache on the Downtown Mall that city officials first seemed inclined to save and now say will likely be cut down in the next phase of downtown construction, as noted in my Sept. 12 Las Cruces Style column.
Many of you are fighting mad about their change of tune — and it’s clear that you have not had a change of heart — when it comes to sparing that special tree.
Once again, you wrote, e-mailed, called and stopped me on the Downtown Mall by the tree, a popular, shady place to congregate on hot market days.
Tamie Smith has even created a commemorative website with photos of all the trees that have been cut down on the Downtown Mall.
Listen up, powers that be: We want to save that tree and make arboreal rescues a top priority, now and in the future.
Here’s a sampling of what you had to say. For more, or to post your own comments, go to and click on Blogzone and Las Cruces Style.
Jean Bartels (a resident of Las Cruces for 44 years): “It’s unbelievable that the city, which already demolished trees on the yellow brick road for the current project, is thinking of doing the same with the tree at the south end. Thank goodness for the artists who are creating things of beauty out of the wood that was saved.
“I was going into the library the day the big gorgeous city Christmas tree was being cut down and, although I’d read in the paper that it was to happen, I could hardly believe my eyes and stood aghast. Only God can make a tree, but L.C. can certainly destroy. Put in a vote for me that the tree at the south end be left standing where it is!”
Jim Hayhoe: “I cannot agree with you more that we should do the engineering necessary to save the Main Street pistache tree. A tree such as this is worth several parking spots, especially in a Downtown area that IS YET to demonstrate the ability to attract patrons. If the city has any serious intention of thinking GREEN this is a way to show it to the area residents.”
Esther Matthews: “I disagree with Robert Ebler’s (the city’s senior civil engineer) statements regarding the Chinese pistache tree downtown. The 20 parking spaces may be business friendly, but not necessary. Customers prefer green shade and natural beauty. There is ample parking behind the buildings. When are ALL the spaces full? (Ebler said) It would cost $30,000 to $40,000 to design around it. That seems like nothing in the whole scheme of things. What percentage of that is compared to the whole cost, minus the cost of moving it?
“New trees won’t demand the same respect of this old, beautiful tree. It is also disheartening that government will sacrifice this tree against the wishes of its citizens, in the hope of more revenue.”
Mary Salais: “I am writing because I am concerned about the pistache tree at the south side of the Downtown Mall. It is near the Music Box. I want it to stay alive and not to be chopped down. It reminds me of a favorite childhood tree near the tennis courts on Picacho street that they chopped down and it made me very upset and sad not to see it there. I enjoyed the shade under the tree. It’s gone now and it’s been three years ago. I don’t want this to happen again. The tree is useful since we have very hot sunshine here.”
Jack Pumphrey: “For the life of me I can't understand the reasoning behind the decision to destroy one of the finest outdoor malls in the Southwest.
“The Farmers Market wasn't the only group to benefit from the absence of traffic and abundant shade. Visitors to Branigan Cultural Center, Coas, Big Picture, ABC Printing, Insta-Copy and so on, had a pleasant place to take a noon-day stroll, relax and meet friends, have a solo sack lunch and enjoy the shade of those (now) destroyed trees, planters and awnings.
“Now the powers that be are constructing a three-to-four-block long, two-way street with no parking with no possibility of shade in our lifetime. Why? If you can't stop the car and get out to shop, visit the galleries, dine in the new bistros or, have an espresso … Why?, Why?, WHY?
“And another thing, mark my words, the ‘up-town’ chic, roundabout will cause the city more grief than benefit. It’s going to be confusing enough just trying to figure out a good (any?) reason to drive up or down that obscure part of Main Street.
“I can see it now. Another car gets rear-ended from someone gawking at the new sidewalk restaurant and refurbished buildings. Or, running into one of those patina-green carriage poles while dodging jaywalkers! (Theater goers beware!)
“The best use, so far, is when the street is blocked off for special interest dinner parties and the Farmers Market. Huh? Isn't that what was destroyed? The use of a nice traffic-free open space?
“Now the paranoiacs/urban planners want to kill the last remaining elder-tree because it's too tough to figure out a positive solution? The tree is now a traffic hazard? Build the ‘road’ around it for the sense of what’s common and sane. Build a curving divided pretty lane around the tree. Construct pointy planters that face oncoming traffic and make it wide enough so emergency vehicles can make it through. It’s not as if there are going to be speed bumps to show down what sparse traffic that probably will be too light to justify stop lights. And finally: IT (the tree) would take away parking spaces? What parking places!
“Leaving the tree where it is will create a reason for driving the three or four blocks to accomplish … what?”
Tamie Smith: “Thanks for the tree article. Sad, isn’t it, that citizens can't trust the words of our elected and hired officials?
“At a couple of city council meetings before a date had been set for cutting down the large trees, I asked if I could be notified when that would be done. I was assured by the city manager and my councilor that someone would let me know. Right! (They didn’t notify me.)”
NOTE: To see Tamie’s website with “a few assorted pictures of the trees we used to have,” go to
I checked out the site and had trouble understanding how curving around the tree would eliminate 20 parking places. But if so, so what? I have yet to see anything close to 20 cars parked on the “finished” downtown block.
And don’t give up the fight. I’ll send these comments on to Mayor Ken Miyagishima at If you’d like to save the tree, let our mayor and city council know.
Here are some letters that came in after our deadline.
Diana Ayers: “The city might take a closer look at what makes a place desirable. Plantings, natural or exotic, attract folks; hot parking lots do not.
“I was stunned to see that the city had cut down that stately pine which had been Las Cruces's Christmas Tree. What other city would let that go by without challenge? What other city of any reputation has no tree ordinances?
“Of course it would be a little bit harder to route the road around the pistache, but what is the point to making it straight? If this exercise is being done in the name of commerce, the merchants certainly won't benefit by traffic's zooming through.
“There is parking everywhere already, and many existing businesses have rear entrances. Patrons of the museums and galleries aren't going to resent walking around the corner, as presumably they are drawn by esthetics in the first place.
“What the place could use is some sidewalk cafes, such as occur as magnets everywhere else. But diners don't want to stare at parked cars (or moving ones). Some storefront awnings for shade would be nice, too.
“Whom does this project serve, anyhow?”
Carole Rickman: “Save our tree. A message for our City Council and the powers that be: As the song goes — ‘Take Paradise and put in a parking lot’— or in this case, a road.
“It seems such a shame to destroy such a beautiful part of our Downtown in the name of ‘progress.’ Please leave the tree —work around it.
“The birds, critters (and) people will thank you.
“S. Derrickson Moore — I love your columns and hope your rallying cry for our tree will help save it.”

S. Derrickson Moore can be reached at; (575) 541-5450. To share comments, go to and click on Blogzone and Las Cruces Style.


  1. تعد اعمال تنظيف الموكيت والسجاد من الاعمال الهامه والتي تحتاج الي جوده كبيره ودقه في التنفيذ لان الموكيت والسجاد يتواجد علي اشكال شركة تنظيف منازل بالجبيل جميله ومزخرفه ولابد من ان نحافظ علي جماله شركة مكافحة حشرات بالجبيل ولا نؤثر عليه بالسلب باي حال من الاحوال شركة تنظيف منازل بالخبر اننا كافضل شركه تنظيف موكيت بالمملكه نقدم لكم افضل خدمه شركة تنظيف منازل بالاحساء تنظيف موكيت بالمملكه لاننا نتبع افضل الطرق والاساليب بالاضافه شركة مكافحة حشرات بالقطيف الي استخدامنا افضل المساحيق وارقاها علي الاطلاق كما اننا نقدم لكم خدمات راقيه جدا في هذا الصدد ونقوم باعمال الغسيل والتنظيف داخل بيتكم شركة تنظيف بالقطيف ولا نقوم بنقل السجاد والموكيت الي اماكن اخري الا اذا تطلب الامر ذالك فاننا كفريق عمل كبير يقدم لكم افضل مستويات التنظيف في هذا الاتجاه لاننا نلتزم بكل معايير الجوده
    شركة تنظيف منازل بالقطيف والدقه العالميه نحن نعد أفضل شركات سعودية متميزة فى أعمال تنظيف المنازل وتلميعها على أفضل وجه وظهورها دائما بمظهر جميل مسئوليتنا تجاهكم
    شركة تنظيف منازل بالجبيل فنحن نعدكم باننا سنقدم لكم خدمه متكامله شركة تنظيف بالاحساء وراقيه جدا لذلك تقوم الشركة بالأتي أولا نقوم بتقديم الخدمات الشامله والمتميزة فى غضون وقت قصير جدا مع الجوده في العمل والدقه الكبيره في التنفيذ وستلمسوا ذالك نصب اعينكم لاننا نعدكم دائما بخدمات افضل . شركة مكافحة حشرات بالقطيف
    ثانيا تعمل الشركه علي توفير خدماتها لجميع العملاء وتتواجد بشكل مستمر على مدار 24 ساعه حيث اننا نصلك اينما كنت ووقتما تريد فنحن معك شركة تنظيف بالخبر لاننا نمتلك اكبر فريق عمل داخل المملكه يقوم باعمال التنظيف علي اكمل وجه وافضلر شركة تسليك مجاري بالقطيف حال ممكن ويقدم مستويات باهره للغايه .
    ثالثا الاعتماد على مجموعه من أفضل المنظفات والمعقمات المتميزة مثل الكلور والديتول حيث ان هذه المنظفات اثبتت بشكل كبير جدا فاعليتها ودقتها وقدرتها علي احداث الفارق واخراج اي بقع واتساخات شركة مكافحة حشرات بالجبيل وما شابه ذالك من الامور المتعلقه بامور النظافه بكافه اشكالها وانواعها المختلفه .

  2. تعد اعمال تنظيف الموكيت والسجاد من الاعمال الهامه والتي تحتاج الي جوده كبيره ودقه في التنفيذ لان الموكيت والسجاد يتواجد
    من الاعمال شركة تنظيف خزانات بالمدينة المنورة التي لابد من القيام بها تحت اعين شركه كبيره تمتلك كل مقومات النجاح اعمال النظافه فالنظافه اصبحت علي اشكال جميله ومزخرفه ولابد من اليوم امر هام جدا نظرا لانتشار التكنولوجيا وتعدد الاستخدامات داخل اي منزل اصبح الاعتماد علي شركه تمتلك اسم كبير امر ضروري وحتمي علي كل البيت ولتوفير ذالك الامر فعليكم شركة كشف تسربات المياه بجدة الاتصال بشركتنا كشركه كبيره في عالم النظافه حيث تقدم الشركه شركة الصفرات للتنظيف ا
    خدمه تنظيف موكيت بالمملكه لاننا نتبع افضل الطرق والاساليب بالاضافه الي استخدامنا افضل المساحيق وارقاها علي الاطلاق كما اننا نقدم لكم خدمات راقيه جدا في هذا الصدد ونقوم باعمال شركة الصفرات لنقل الاثاث الغسيل والتنظيف داخل بيتكم ولا نقوم بنقل السجاد والموكيت الي اماكن اخري الا اذا تطلب الامر ذالك فاننا كفريق عمل كبير يقدم لكم افضل مستويات التنظيف في هذا الاتجاه لاننا نلتزم بكل معايير الجوده والدقه العالميه نحن نعد أفضل شركات سعودية متميزة فى أعمال تنظيف المنازل وتلميعها على أفضل وجه وظهورها دائما بمظهر جميل مسئوليتنا تجاهكم فنحن نعدكم باننا سنقدم لكم خدمه متكامله وراقيه جدا لذلك تقوم الشركة بالأتي أولا نقوم بتقديم الخدمات الشامله والمتميزة فى غضون وقت قصير جدا مع الجوده في العمل والدقه الكبيره في التنفيذ وستلمسوا ذالك نصب اعينكم لاننا نعدكم دائما بخدمات افضل .

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