Friday, October 26, 2007

Picks for the week

Think there's nothing to do in Las Cruces? Here's another full-tilt fiesta week's worth of fun stuff: It’s time to celebrate lives well lived with Dia de los Muertos events Saturday and Sunday in Mesilla. Build an altar on the Mesilla Plaza, join a Frida Kahlo lookalike parade or decorate a sugar skull. In Las Cruces, see Jose Tena’s memorial altar at the Branigan Cultural Center, carve a pumpkin, enjoy some spooky events during The Big Read or get out and catch some inspirational art openings and enjoy some Halloween fun for adults.
Here’s what’s happening.

Halloween Costume Ball tonight
If you like “Dancing With the Stars,” you might enjoy getting down with ghouls and more elegantly attired spirits at the Halloween Costume Ball from 7 to 10 p.m. today at Take Five, 705 N. Main St. Treats include dancing to a nine-piece orchestra, belly dancing, costume contests, prizes, a chocolate fountain and more. Admission is $10.

Pumpkin Carving Family Workshop
Bring the family to a workshop and get ideas for new ways to design and carve your own pumpkin creations Saturday from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. at the New Mexico Farm and Ranch Heritage Museum. The workshop is $5 for a family of four. To preregister (required), call 522-4100.
Day of the Dead Sugar Skull Workshop
Learn to decorate traditional Dia de los Muertos sugar skulls at a two-day workshop from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday and Sunday at the Cultural Center of Mesilla, 2231 Calle de Parian, next to the Mesilla Post Office. An apron or towel and comfortable dress are suggested. Supplies will be provided, but bring your own special and personal items to adorn skulls which are traditionally used in Mexico to decorate the altar of a deceased person. Workshop leader Patricia Camila Minjárez will discuss Day of the Dead traditions. Fee is $15 for adults and $7 for kids. For information, call 523-3988 or visit online at

Last Saturday Artwalk at Hadley Galleries
There’s a new autumn schedule for Last Saturday Artwalks at galleries at Hadley Center at University Avenue and El Paseo Road. Artwalks will be from 1 to 4 p.m. this Saturday and Nov. 24 at the Glenn Cutter Jewelers and Gallery and the Patio Art Gallery. Meet artists and see their new works at special receptions. Catch Las Cruces icon Rosemary McLoughlin at Cutter's.

Big Read Spooktacular Events
Learn more about spooky and spectacular New Mexico traditions at several free events celebrating The Big Read. For more information on any of the following events, visit or call 646-6925 or 646-5792.
• Folklorist Nasario Garcia presents “Hispanic Fiestas of Yesteryear: From Food and Fun to Fisticuffs,” a lecture based on personal experiences, old-timers’ own words and tape-recorded music of years gone by at 3 p.m. Saturday at Branigan Memorial Library, 200 E. Picacho Ave.
• Nasario Garcia shares tales of buried treasures, the devil, the evil eye, the bogeyman and natural phenomena that were once the keystone of family entertainment in Hispanic villages of Northern New Mexico in “Would You Like to Meet the Devil, Bogeyman, or La Llorona?” at 7 p.m. Saturday at the New Mexico Farm & Ranch Heritage Museum.
• NMSU professor Mary O’Connell and practicing curandera Cristina Villapardo present “Healing Herbs and the Curandera Tradition,” at 2:30 p.m. Sunday at Fabian Garcia Science Center Landscape Garden on University Avenue, 1⁄4 mile west of South Main Street.
• Historian Rick Hendricks will share his research on the themes of Catholic tradition and witchcraft in “Witchcraft and Religious Conflict in New Mexican History,” at noon Nov. 1, in the library associates room at Zuhl Library on the NMSU campus.
Weaving sale and celebration
View and purchase the latest weavings and other products from groups in Chiapas, Peru, and the southern New Mexico border region, and enjoy coffee and food treats when the Las Cruces - Chiapas Connection and Sophia’s Circle join to present the 3rd annual Celebration of Women’s Cooperative Groups from 4 to 7 p.m. Sunday at Milagro Coffee & Espresso, 1733 E. University Ave. Special guests include Cecilia Santiago Vera, a social psychologist and supporter of the Other Campaign from Chiapas, Mexico, and Rachel Mehl, the alternative economy program coordinator for Mexico Solidarity Network. Sale proceeds support weavers and their families.
Halloween Art Show
Enjoy artistic tricks and treats for grownups at a Halloween Night Art Show from 5 to 7 p.m. Wednesday at Laughing at the Sun Gallery in the allegedly haunted Old Tortilla Factory, 1910 Calle de Parian in Mesilla.

Don't miss the singing, dancing dinosaurs! See review here

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